Student Support
The level of care, guidance and support offered to all students ensures that you will be well placed to realise your future aspirations. As soon as you enroll at Khalsa Sixth Form, you will be allocated a key stage 5 form tutor who will help you settle into Sixth Form life and will provide you with advice and guidance on a daily basis. Your form tutor will be the first port of call for any issues you may face. All your lessons will be taught by experienced subject specialist teachers who have outstanding levels of commitment. Throughout your studies, they will provide you with regular feedback on your progress and attainment. As a small sixth form we are beginning our journey by offering specialised support and information offered by highly experienced key stage 5 teachers.
Regular exam practice will help you prepare for examinations, annual progression interviews (at the start of Year 12 study and also in September of Year 13) will help you reflect on your progress and to focus on what you need to do to achieve your aspirations.
Your parents will also receive an annual formal report of your progress and will be invited to meet your form tutors and subject teachers to discuss your progress.
GCSE Mathematics and English GCSE Resits
Students who are completing a GCSE resit are expected to attend all timetabled lessons and attend additional Year 11 GCSE subject lessons when they have a free study period. In addition, there will be an expectation for students to attend extra, before/after school support study sessions.