Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The Principal’s SEND Welcome

Atam seeks to be the leading state funded, Sikh ethos all-through academy in East London by utilising strategic partnerships to lead pioneering initiatives that embed ground-breaking and contemporary teaching methods. We set high expectations of students’ and ourselves to ensure the young people in our community always have access to an education that offers them the best possible outcomes.

Atam is an inclusive school. We strive to offer educational opportunities and learning experiences for students’ with SEND; enabling them to access the full curriculum and supporting them to reach their full potential.

We fulfil this by providing tailored support in the form of quality first teaching, interventions; training and resources; as well as making adaptations to suit the needs of our learners. Atam strives to ensure that all students’ succeed regardless of their starting points.

In my role:

  • I work with the Senior Assistant Principal SENDco, Leaders and SEND Trustee to determine the strategic development of the SEND policy and provision in the school.
  • I have overall responsibility for the provision and progress of learners.

Warm regards,

Chris Steed

Special Educational Need Coordinator’s (SENDCo) Welcome 

My name is Mrs Williams and I am the Special Educational needs coordinator (SENDco) for the school.

I really enjoy working with all the community at ATAM Academy and hope that you find this page of use.

My role is:

Hold the National Award for SEN Coordination and will undertake regular training to:

  • Keep up to date with policy, guidance and best practice
  • Work with the leaders and SEND Trustee to determine the strategic development of the SEND policy and provision in the school
  • Have day-to-day responsibility for the operation of this SEND policy and the coordination of specific provision made to support individual students with SEND, including those who have EHC Plans
  • Provide professional guidance to colleagues and work with staff, parents, and other agencies to ensure that students with SEND receive appropriate support and high-quality teaching
  • Advise on the graduated approach to providing SEND support
  • Advise on the deployment of the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet students’ needs effectively
  • Liaise with Designated Teacher where a Child Looked After (CLA) has SEND
  • Liaise with parents/carers of students with SEND
  • Liaise with other schools, educational psychologists, health and social care professionals, and independent voluntary bodies
  • Be the key point of contact for external agencies, especially the local authority other local authorities and their support service.
  • Liaise with potential next providers of education to ensure students and their parents are informed about options and a smooth transition is planned

For a more detailed look at SEND please refer to the SEND Policy.

I look forward to working with in the future or continuing to work with you all.

Mrs Williams

Key Academy Contact Details for SEND:

Principal - Chris Steed

SEND Trustee - Sarah Caton

SENDCO - Mrs Williams

General School contact details

Useful Documents

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Where to Find Other Help and Advice:


Redbridge Local Authority’s Local Offer – where you can find a directory of help for children and young people with special educational needs in Redbridge Local Authority.

Redbridge Local Authority’s latest Joint Local Area SEND Inspection Report.


Havering Local Authority’s Local Offer – where you can find a directory of help for children and young people with special educational needs in Havering Local Authority.

Havering Local Authority’s latest Joint Local Area SEND Inspection Report.

Essex lo

Essex Local Authority’s Local Offer – where you can find a directory of help for children and young people with special educational needs in Essex Local Authority.

Essex Local Authority’s latest Joint Local Area SEND Inspection Report.

Lbbd lo

Barking and Dagenham’s Local Authority’s Local Offer – where you can find a directory of help for children and young people with special educational needs in Barking and Dagenham’s Local Authority.

Barking and Dagenham’s Local Authority’s latest Joint Local Area SEND Inspection Report.

Useful Contact Details Taken from the Local Offer: