The school recently hosted a heartfelt Atam Kirtan Darbar to commemorate the supreme sacrifices of the Chaar Sahibzade and the Shaheeds of Chamkaur Sahib. The event was a resounding success, with a remarkable turnout from parents, students, and the wider community.

The Darbar was filled with soulful Kirtan performed by our talented students, creating a spiritually uplifting atmosphere. The melodious voices resonated throughout the hall, paying tribute to the unwavering courage and faith of the young Sahibzade.

A captivating Katha was delivered by Bhai Govinder Singh Ji from Leeds, shedding light on the inspiring story of the Chaar Sahibzade and their unwavering devotion to their faith. The Katha served as a powerful reminder of their courage, resilience, and the profound lessons of sacrifice and selfless service.

The event was a testament to the strong sense of community within our school and the dedication of our students to their faith and heritage. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended and contributed to the success of this meaningful program, especially Bhai Govinder Singh Ji for his insightful and inspiring Katha.

We look forward to organizing more such enriching events that foster spiritual growth and cultural awareness among our students.